About This website

This website is hosted at maggick.github.com and is redirected to matthieukeller.com. The website is composed of two part : the blog and the notes. You can see the "Technically" part to see how I managed both of them.


This is the fifth version of this website :

  • The first version was an home made website. Entirely write in HTML, CSS and PHP. It was a great exercise to learn the base of web 3-tier architecture with a client, a server and a database.
  • The second version was powered by Word Press. In fact this was a classic WP with a plug-in for multi-languages and some simple changes in the default pages style.
  • The third was generated using Middleman, a static site generator in Ruby wich generate HTML pages from markdown files.
  • The fourth was build in html using the markdown command.

Reasons that killed old versions

  • The First version was huggly and almost without content.
  • With the Word Press version I always have to use the online interface to create or update articles and pages. Moreover the data were on the site database, meaning that as I do not save them, they were not backuped as my usual data.
  • With this version, I write pages in Markdown format directly on my computer with my favorite text editor, commit them on GitHub and finally put them on the server. There is no more database (meaning no more commentary, see the About Me section for contact). The site is entirely static.
  • The fourth version was not far from this one but it was long to make a small correction on a page (a spell correction for instance). I had to re-build the entire website and it was not automatically done.



The blog and the notes parts are build with Pelican and each commit are pushed to my blog repository and the build is pushed to my maggick.github.io repository. The articles and notes are redacted in markdown.


The theme is based on Maggner theme, created by Templateify and adapted to pelican by Klaus Laube with my personal modifications in a fork of the project.