Lost Windows password

Recover lost Windows password

If you append to "loose" your windows password. Here is a simple trick to reset it, you only need a physical access to the computer in order to boot it on a Linux system:

Get an administration command console

Let's replace the sticky keys executable file with a command one:

  • boot your computer on a your Linux
  • mount the C partition file (for instance sda1) with mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/
  • backup cp /mnt/windows/system32/sethc.exe /mnt/windows/system32/sethc.exe_old
  • replace cp /mnt/windows/system32/cmd.exe /mnt/windows/system32/sethc.exe
  • boot on Windows
  • press Shift 5 times

Change the user password

In the administration console just type: net user my_user my_new_password


You may want to replace back your sethc.exe file with the original one: copy c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe_old c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe