Vulnhub - Freshly

Posted on 20 Apr 2015 in Security • Tagged with challenge, security, vulnhub, boot2root, linux • 5 min read

not the droids

I continued to play with the vulnhub virtual machine and started the TopHatSec - Freshly.

"The goal of this challenge is to break into the machine via the web and find the secret hidden in a sensitive file. If you can find the secret, send me an email for verification. :)"

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LAMPSecurity: CTF4

Posted on 29 Aug 2014 in security • Tagged with challenge, security, vulnhub, boot2root • 4 min read

I start the LAMPSecurity CTF4 challenge of vulnhub available here. The goal is to get a root shell on the server.


First of all we need to determine the IP address of the server. Since we launch it in a bridged virtual machine the local router got the IP …

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