HTB: Nest

Posted on 07 Jun 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, VB, .NET, RE, SMB, Windows • 10 min read

Nest card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Nest This box is classified as an easy machine. It was publish on January the 25th by VbScrub. This box is a bit different that the other ones on HTB. Until the last step you never have a shell on the box (and none is needed to root it). All commands and enumeration are done on the SMB service. There is also a personnalized service HQK.

Getting user involve understanding a bit of cryptography (homemade combination of base64 and AES) but nothing too complexe.

Getting root required to decompile some .NET executable to get some parameter for the homemade encryption.

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