HTB: Love

Posted on 09 Aug 2021 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, windows, php, AlwaysInstallElevated • 4 min read

Love card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Love published on May 1 2021 by pwnmeow This box is classified as an easy machine. This box implies a SSRF, some php file and an AlwaysInstallElevated privilege on a Windows box.

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HTB: Omni

Posted on 07 Feb 2021 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, Windows, IOT • 7 min read

Omni Card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Omni publish on August 22, 2020 by egre55. This box is rated as easy box. I was mostly intrigue by the "Other" operating system. It implies some Google search, a RAT and SecureStrings.

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HTB: Buff

Posted on 22 Nov 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, Windows, chisel, cloudme • 4 min read

Buff card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Buff published on July 18 2020 egotisticalSW This box is classified as an easy machine. The user part just require to exploit a CVE. The root part require first to pivot to access the box's internal services then exploit another CVE.

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HTB: Remote

Posted on 10 Nov 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, windows, umbraco, teamviewer, metasploit, msfvenom • 6 min read

Remote card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Remote published by mrb3n on Mars the 21th 2020. This box is a Windows machine classified as easy. It implies a NFS share, a vulnerable CMS, TeamViewer and a second unintended way towards root.

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HTB: Cascade

Posted on 26 Jul 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, Windows, LDAP, VNC, AD Recycle bin • 7 min read

Cascade Card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Cascade publish on Mars 28 2020 by VbScrub. This box is rated as medium box. It implies some LDAP search, some SMB shares, a VNC registry, some reverse engineering and the AD Recycle Bin.

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HTB: Sauna

Posted on 22 Jul 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, Windows, impacket, enumeration • 7 min read

Sauna card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Sauna published on February the 15th 2020 by egotisticalSW This box is classified as an easy machine. This box has a lot of similarities with forest: The user part require some smart enumeration. The second user also require to enumerate the box and the root part is a "simple" exploitation of the second user's privileges.

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HTB: ServMon

Posted on 21 Jun 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, Windows, exploit • 7 min read

ServMon Card

This article is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: ServMon publish on April 11 2020 by dmw0ng. This box is rated as an easy box. This box is really unstable and can be a pain as there is a lot of reset on public server. It implies an anonymous FTP, a Passwords.txt file and two exploits.

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HTB: Monteverde

Posted on 15 Jun 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, Windows, SMB, Azure, PHS • 13 min read

Craft card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Monteverde published on January the 11th 2020 by egre55. This box is classified as a medium machine. The user part is quit direct and easy and involve to enumerate a few basic services. The root part was harder for me as it is based on a specific issue with Azure AD and Password Hash Synchronisation.

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HTB: Nest

Posted on 07 Jun 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, VB, .NET, RE, SMB, Windows • 10 min read

Nest card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Nest This box is classified as an easy machine. It was publish on January the 25th by VbScrub. This box is a bit different that the other ones on HTB. Until the last step you never have a shell on the box (and none is needed to root it). All commands and enumeration are done on the SMB service. There is also a personnalized service HQK.

Getting user involve understanding a bit of cryptography (homemade combination of base64 and AES) but nothing too complexe.

Getting root required to decompile some .NET executable to get some parameter for the homemade encryption.

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HTB: Forest

Posted on 21 Mar 2020 in security • Tagged with security, boot2root, HTB, windows, winrm, PTH, bloodhound, impacket • 12 min read

Forest card

This is a writeup about a retired HacktheBox machine: Forest published by egre55 and mrb3n on October the 12th 2019. This box is a Windows machine classified as easy. The server is a Domain Controller with 24 open ports. We will use Winrm, bloodhound and impacket to get both the user flag and the "root" flag.

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