Building this blog with travis

Posted on 04 Mar 2017 in programming • Tagged with programming, devops • 3 min read

Since January this blog is automatically build using Travis CI. The main advantage is to always use the latest version of Pelican as travis CI always build its environment from scratch. An other advantage is that I am able to update the site just from my browser for minor modifications (spell correction for instance).

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Let's encrypt certificate for offline servers with OVH DNS

Posted on 27 Dec 2016 in security • Tagged with programming, SSL, let's encrypt, security • 3 min read

Let's encrypt provide free and easy SSL certificates. Nevertheless it need to verify that you own the machine. In order to do that we usually use HTTP verification with the .well-known directory.

But sometime our servers are not reachable from the internet. Therefore the HTTP validation is not possible. Hopefully there is another way the acme challenge can be validated: DNS validation.

In this post we will see how we can generate Let's encrypt SSL certificate for offline machine with DNS validation for domains hosts by OVH.

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Building a kiosk computer with Chrome

Posted on 26 Dec 2016 in security • Tagged with programming, security, chrome, kiosk • 3 min read

Building a Kiosk where Google Chrome is running in full screen and user interaction with the system are reduced to the minimum.

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Installing OSMC without installer

Posted on 14 Apr 2016 in programming • Tagged with osmc, raspberry, smb, programming • 2 min read

I bought the new raspberry pi 3 with integrated Wi-Fi. Currently I still have a Ethernet cable running through my living room to my old raspberry pi 1.

Just willing to download the last raspbmc version I figured that it was no more raspbmc but osmc which is basically the same but with much marketing around it. The most annoying one is that you need to install an install (such meta). I was pretty much sure it was not really necessary and moreover there is no version of the installer for Arch Linux.

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Localipsum, a sample text generator

Posted on 23 Aug 2015 in programming • Tagged with python, programming, lorem ipsum • 3 min read


Localipsum is a simple python program that aim to generate sample text for designers and developers as the well known Lorem Ipsum website. The main difference is that it use your own dictionaries on your computer.

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Compiling cmus for cygwin

Posted on 21 Jan 2015 in Programming • Tagged with cygwin, cmus, programming, windows • 5 min read

cmus I work on a Windows machine for my dally job. On my personal desktop I use Arch Linux and i3 therefore my music player is in curses and does not need any mouse. In fact I use cmus. So I tried to replace my old media player clementine with cmus on Windows in cygwin.

For that we need to compile cmus from sources.

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Git, remove unwanted data from history

Posted on 23 Nov 2014 in Programming • Tagged with git, programming, leak • 1 min read

Recently I put unwanted data (a password) in one of my git commit. This commit was not push to an public server (like github or bitbucket) therefore there was no real security breach other than my git history.

The problem was to remove the data by rewriting the git history …

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